Archive for June, 2009

Baby Panda Born at Chiang Mai Zoo

June 9, 2009

Visitor’s to Chiang Mai in Thailand’s north will soon have another attraction to add to their list of things to see when Chiang Mai zoo puts its latest addition, a baby giant panda, on display.

Chiang Mai zoo currently have two adult giant pandas on loan from China and yesterday, May 26, a third panda was added to the family when the female adult panda, Lin Hui, gave birth.

Baby Panda

Photo Credit: AP

Zoo officials are yet to determine the sex and weight of the cub, which was conceived using artificial insemination and carried for the 93-day gestation period.

Zoo officials said artificial insemination was used to induce the pregnancy after all efforts failed to get Lin Hui’s partner, Xuang Xuang, to carry out his spousal duties.

Under the terms of the loan agreement with China the two pandas and their offspring will be returned to their native homeland in a little more than four years time.

In the meantime, visitors to the northern Thailand zoo will have the rare privilege of seeing a baby panda as part of their journey through the ancient Lanna kingdom.

By John Le Fevre, Thailand Travel News

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